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Cardio Number
Athlete of the month for Cardio
Jackie Ehmann
Made a 30 point increase this month
Cardio Top 20
Position | Name | Points |
1 | Jackie Ehmann | 30 |
2 | Eloy Ramos | 26 |
3 | Charles Dennis | 22 |
4 | Cathy Ellis | 21 |
5 | Elliott Wheeler | 19 |
6 | Becca Zollweg | 18 |
7 | Jacob Gernert | 16 |
8 | Brooke Fuller | 12 |
9 | Chad Allen | 11 |
10 | Sarah Aiken | 11 |
11 | Geoff Smith | 10 |
12 | Bryan Werkmeister | 9 |
13 | Amanda Nickerson | 9 |
14 | Sarah Nolan | 8 |
15 | Ryan Nolan | 7 |
16 | Joe Dawes | 4 |
17 | Alex E. | 3 |
18 | Bandit33 | 3 |
19 | Jesse Milne | 3 |
20 | Dinesh Kumar | 3 |
Cardio Tasks
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Gymnastics Number
Gymnastics Top 20
Position | Name | Points |
1 | Jackie Ehmann | 41 |
2 | Jacob Gernert | 31 |
3 | Elliott Wheeler | 28 |
4 | Eloy Ramos | 26 |
5 | Ashton Etzen | 26 |
6 | Cathy Ellis | 23 |
7 | Charles Dennis | 22 |
8 | Becca Zollweg | 19 |
9 | Amanda Nickerson | 11 |
10 | Joseph Wingard | 8 |
11 | Sarah Aiken | 8 |
12 | Geoff Smith | 7 |
13 | Brooke Fuller | 6 |
14 | Sarah Nolan | 4 |
15 | Jesse Milne | 3 |
16 | saurabh agarwal | 3 |
17 | Frank Fuller | 2 |
18 | Chad Allen | 2 |
19 | Emily Dunn | 2 |
20 | Deb Etzen | 1 |
Gymnastics Tasks
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Weightlifting Number
Athlete of the month for Weightlifting
Jacob Gernert
Made a 44 point increase this month
Weightlifting Top 20
Position | Name | Points |
1 | Jacob Gernert | 44 |
2 | Jackie Ehmann | 40 |
3 | Sarah Aiken | 36 |
4 | Elliott Wheeler | 28 |
5 | Brooke Fuller | 24 |
6 | Becca Zollweg | 24 |
7 | Eloy Ramos | 22 |
8 | Cathy Ellis | 17 |
9 | Charles Dennis | 17 |
10 | Joseph Wingard | 12 |
11 | Jessica Paredes | 8 |
12 | Geoff Smith | 7 |
13 | Brittney Karahalios | 4 |
14 | Amanda Nickerson | 3 |
Weightlifting Tasks
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